Tuesday, March 24, 2020


After a long time I've abandoned blogging, I suddenly had the urge to write. So here I am. 

This year I've already turned 25 last February. So yeah I'm officially 25. At this age a lot of my friend is getting married. Some of them already become parents. My cousins whom around my age also had become parents but me still stuck with no clue whatsoever about the whereabouts of my other half.

Sometimes, I think there is something wrong with me. I want to search for my partner but I'm too afraid to even try dating anyone. When someone approach me I'll be too nervous and scared. I don't know if I can say I'm scared, but I think it is more to uncomfortable feeling. 

What make it weirder is when there are people approach me and said the want to know me and mention about marriage, it is a major turn off. Maybe I'm the type that value the process and would actually prefer to take it slow? I don't even know me.

If it is not the process, maybe I'm just not interested or my heart already have somebody. Actually, recently I met my childhood friend. He is my first friend, my mom said. Our parents can be considered BFF. I think I'm interested in him. He seem like someone with manner and his parents also doesn't feel like stranger to me.

I think that's it for now. Later on if I'm bored or feel like writing, I'll update again. Maybe there will be another post soon since I'm home with nothing to do because of the Covid-19 Outbreak and Malaysia are implementing the 2020 Malaysia Movement Control Order.